
my field 

contemporary visual art, with special interests in South African artists and in original prints

my focus 

what makes people tick

own artwork 

drawing, printmaking, narrative series, artist's books

writing or creative assistance 

love other people's ideas!

my passions 

printmaking and prints, ecology, the environment, nature ... and context

my creative community 

a lifetime's collection of art friends 

qualifications visual arts (Fine Arts)

2003  MFA (Masters in Fine Arts) 

University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

1998 BA (Fine Arts) 

UNISA, South Africa

1996 Nat Dip (Fine Arts)

Technikon Witwatersrand (now The University of Johannesburg), South Africa

qualifications - editing and copywriting

​2021 Graphic Design - online short course

University of Cape Town in collaboration with Getsmarter.com

2020 Digital Marketing - online short course

University of Cape Town in collaboration with Getsmarter.com

2019 Copywriting for Online Marketing - online short course

University of Cape Town in collaboration with Getsmarter.com

2008 editing certificate

approved by the South African Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA)

South African artmaking ... preliminary works from an experimental workshop attended in the Karoo - in a barn that reached 42 degrees in the afternoon!

Picking up fragments from the veld.