Fine Art Print Curator

I have worked as an art consultant in the South African art world since 1993 - my specialist field of interest lies in our country's contemporary original prints.

Based in Swellendam, Southern Cape, South Africa


Original print consulting

From 1993 I began to promote and market prints produced at The Caversham Press (established in 1986).

This enriching experience kick-started my ongoing love for the exceptionally expressive properties inherent through the medium of printmaking.

From the early 2000s, I also began to market works for The Artists' Press and Tim Foulds (Tim's Print Studio).

Recent curating experience



I co-curated and co-organised the following exhibitions and created the accompanying exhibition catalogues for The Printing Girls

October TPG@ SA Print Gallery at The South African Print Gallery, Cape Town

August Mother Nature in Monotype at White River Gallery, Mpumalanga

August #TPG21 at The Art Room, Johannesburg

March New Girls on the Block at the Pretoria Arts Association


I organised three print exchanges for The Printing Girls and created their accompanying catalogues

February #TPG First Print Exchange

July Eco-longing

August The Daphne Project


I curated the auction ASPIRE X Caversham: 30 Years in 90 Lots consisting of 90 original art prints from The Caversham Press (KZN) at Aspire Art Auctions (Johannesburg)



Other projects


My virtual art platform outoftheCUBE ran between 2013 and 2018, and introduced online solo exhibitions by artists whose work interested me.

Groups of these exhibitions were thematically linked alongside my curator's statements.

Throughout its duration, outoftheCUBE participated in 5 art fairs as a gallerist and an individual curator, and 3 'real-life' exhibitions featuring its artists.


I joined The Printing Girls (TPG) - a professional network of South African female printmakers - in 2018. 

Ongoing, TPG organises and curates themed exhibitions of original prints by its members.




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